The concept of mass – gravitic and inertial in eurhythmic physics


  • J.R. Croca Universidade de Lisboa
  • Gildo Magalhães dos Santos Filho USP
  • J. Alexandre Croca Universidade de Lisboa



Eurhythmic physics, classical physics, mass, inertial mass, gravitic mass, equivalence principle, complex particle, complex interaction


The concept of mass, be it gravitic or inertial, has played a major role in traditional physics. The meaning of the concept of mass and the equivalence between inertial and gravitic mass have been and are object of great polemics in the arena of scientific discussion. In the nonlinear complex inter-relational Eurhythmic Physics, the concept of mass, that has been assumed as a fundamental idea, no longer shares this attribute. In this way of looking at Nature the concept of mass loses its fundamental status being only a relational and, under certain circumstances, useful concept.


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How to Cite

The concept of mass – gravitic and inertial in eurhythmic physics. (2017). Intelligere, 3(2), 105-118.