Jörn Rüsen and humanism as light in times of darkness


  • Oliver Kozlarek Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo, Morelia, México




theory of history, humanism, globalization, Human Sciences, 21st century


In a first section of this article I would like to explain the differences between three concepts that seem to me central not only to understanding Rüsen's ideas but also to actualizing a humanism in the 21st century. As I have already pointed out: humanism is not for Rüsen an intellectual occurrence. It is rather the result of a historical evolution. In the second section I will try to reconstruct the historical genesis of Rüsen's humanism. It will be clear that Rüsen's ideas on humanism are inspired above all in the tradition of Western and especially European thought. In this way, it seems to me indispensable to relate them to the postcolonial criticisms that have rightly recovered much importance. In the third section I propose to discuss this thematic plexus. The position that Rüsen assumes in the face of postcolonial criticism prepares the ground to explain his proposal for a "humanism in the epoch of globalization", in which I will notice the fourth section. I will devote the last section to some reflections on the question about the need for a humanist orientation as Rüsen defends it in our day.


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How to Cite

Jörn Rüsen and humanism as light in times of darkness. (2017). Intelligere, 3(2), 34-46. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2447-9020.intelligere.2017.127303