History and Discourse: considerations between language and reading gestures to a History of Science


  • Wanderson Rodrigues Morais Universidade Estadual de Campinas
  • Maria José Pereira Monteiro de Almeida Universidade Estadual de Campinas




Historiography, reading practices, discourse, science traching, language


The History of Science was constituted in a field of tensions causing a dichotomy in its methodological approach by distinct groups, such as the social sciences and the natural sciences, being a current discussion without consensus among the involved. Some historians, such as Keith Jenkins and Régine Robin dedicated themselves to a reflection on the nature of History, the historiography and the contributions of others fields, turning to the practice of the reading gestures and the relation between language and discourse. Thus, we aim to comprehend the nature of historical discourses used in the practice of History of Science that can indicate perspectives of use and purposes on another fields, such as the Science Teaching, especially with the interfaces to the field of study of the Language referring to the reading processes (or gestures). Starting from a historical discourse in Ecology, we bring some considerations about its conditions of production and implications for education, in which the political and social aspects form a mesh of non-visible roots, as pointed out by Antonio Videira.


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Dossiê 2º Congresso de História da Ciência e da Técnica

How to Cite

History and Discourse: considerations between language and reading gestures to a History of Science. (2019). Intelligere, 7, 11. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2447-9020.intelligere.2019.158375