Nietzsche, mentor of the First World War?: What Brazilian newspapers and magazines say about the philosopher (1910-1920)


  • Antonio Vinícius Lomeu Teixeira Barroso Universidad Nacional de La Plata



Brazilian Press, First World War, Nietzsche


This article aims to examine how Brazilian newspapers and magazines, between the years 1910 and 1920, linked the thought of the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900) to the Great War (1914-1918). In this way, we will seek to understand how the thinker was associated with the conflict, highlighting the opinions that emphasize his role as an inciter of war. For that, we will carry out a brief historiographical journey of this association and, later, the analysis of the periodicals of Brazil at that time.


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Jornal do Commercio – Rio de Janeiro (1910-1918)

Pacotilha – Maranhão (1910 -1918)

Correio Paulistano – São Paulo (1918)

Correio da Manhã – Rio de Janeiro (1912-1918)

Pharol – São `Paulo (1910-1918)

Jornal do Commercio Ed. Tarde – Rio de Janeiro (1910-1918)

Heliópolis – Pernambuco (1914)

Revista Fon Fon – Rio de Janeiro (1910 – 1918)

Revista Careta (1910-1919)

Gazeta de Notícias (1911-1915)

A Cigarra (1919)

A Gazeta de Notícias (1920)

Hobsbawm, Eric J. Era dos Impérios, Editora Paz e Terra, Rio de Janeiro, 1988.

Joll, James. The Origins of First World War, Longman, New York, 1984.

Julião, José Nicolao. Nietzsche entre a Polis Grega e O Terceiro Reich Alemão, Cad. Nietzsche, Guarulhos/Porto Seguro, v. 37, n. 1, p. 271-296, 2016.

Mayer, Arno. A força da tradição: a persistência do Antigo Regime, Companhia das Letras, São Paulo, 1987.






How to Cite

Barroso, A. V. L. T. (2021). Nietzsche, mentor of the First World War?: What Brazilian newspapers and magazines say about the philosopher (1910-1920). Intelligere, 12, 130-146.