Tycho Brahe and the precision of astronomical observations


  • Claudemir Roque Tossato Universidade Federal de São Paulo. Departamento de Filosofia




Brahe, Astronomical observations, Instruments, Kepler


In this text I present the astronomical observation instruments, created or perfected by Tycho Brahe, and how they contributed to the process of constitution of Copernicanism. Therefore, I discuss the importance that the more accurate observations obtained by Brahe, with the use of your instruments, had for Kepler to elaborate your first two laws of planetary motions. I discuss, too, some aspects about the distinction between scientific and technological knowledge.


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How to Cite

Tycho Brahe and the precision of astronomical observations. (2022). Intelligere, 13, 92-112. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2447-9020.intelligere.2022.198314