Royal Palm Tree, Roystonea Oleracea, Environmental Heritage, Phytosanitary Situation, Integrated Management, Falling RiskAbstract
The maintenance of palm trees and other trees located in public areas, such as parks and sidewalks, is not carried out preventively, causing plant losses, besides the risk to citizens, due to the endangerment of fall down. This situation is aggravated when it comprehends plants belonging to the significant vegetation of São Paulo City, as the row of secular Royal Palm Trees with historical representation in the landscape of Ramos de Azevedo Square in Anhangabaú Valley in that city. This work presents the results of the diagnosis of the general situation, phytosanitary and soil conditions, analysis of falling risks to perform the management of the palm trees as well as suggestions to ensure the structural stability of the specimens. Out of the 25 Royal Palms Trees analyzed, 16 (64%) presented the occurrence of termites, wood borers, fungi and/or caterpillars. The general conditions of the specimens showed cavities, stipe constriction and human actions in 12 (48%) trees. The integrated management of pests and fungi was performed by using biological, mechanical and chemical controls to treat the infestation of those organisms. Aiming to improve soil conditions, it was used essential formulations for plant nutrition, such as macro and micronutrients as well as organic matters. The adoption these procedures contributed to the preservation and strengthening of those palm trees, which became healthy and lush. Three specimens were classified, as far as the risk of falling is concerned, at a high priority level, being proposed, for one of them, the construction of a steel structure to ensure its structural stability and prevent accidents.Downloads
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