Urban Morphology, Roughness, Porosity, H/W Factor, Ventilation CorridorsAbstract
This article presents an analysis of ventilation corridors for a stretch of São Paulo City. Such a stretch is part of the Green Infrastructure Project that includes four parks: Cantareira State Park, Dr. Fernando Costa Park (Água Branca), Ibirapuera Park and Tenente Siqueira Campos Park (Trianon), which form a rectangle with differentiated urban configurations on the north-south axis, that crosses areas of the city along important avenues interconnecting the four parks, which is named “North-South Trail”. The target is to draw up cartographies of morphological classification using variables that describe the urban morphology. It is also presented a simplified method of analysis and mapping of ventilation corridors, which results may serve as a guideline for both climatic orientations and urban planning interventions.Downloads
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