
  • José Otávio Lotufo Universidade de São Paulo. Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo




Architecture, Urbanism, Sustainable Design, Urban Ecological Resilience


The Green Infrastructure research occurs mainly through the landscape design and the reconstitution of the urban forest. This important emphasis guides changes to face the current environmental challenges. In this conceptual and practical effort, an extremely important issue arises: how can the architectural project, together with the fulfillment of its social functions, contribute to the ecosystem services provided by the Green Infrastructure? The building, usually an obstacle to ecosystemic processes, obstructs or conditions its flows through designs in conflict with an ecological approach. By proposing the architectural design as a factor of contribution to urban ecological resilience, it is suggested to dilute the border lines between construction and landscape, integrating the building with the green infrastructure and redefining its functions beyond the traditional architectural program.


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Author Biography

  • José Otávio Lotufo, Universidade de São Paulo. Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo

    Arquiteto e urbanista pela Faculdade de Belas Artes da São Paulo (1996), mestre na área de Projeto Arquitetônico pela FAU-USP (2011), doutor na área de Projeto Arquitetônico pela FAU-USP (2016)


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How to Cite

Lotufo, J. O. (2017). DWELLING IN ‘BUFFER ZONES’: ECO-SOCIAL GUIDELINES FOR AN ARCHITECTURE INTEGRATED TO GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE. Revista LABVERDE, 8(2), 91-127. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2179-2275.v8i2p91-127