Vegetation Index, TVI, Land Use and Occupation, Geographic Information System, Urban ForestAbstract
Green areas in the cities are increasingly being replaced by asphalt and buildings, mainly in downtown regions, causing several problems to the structure of the city and to the preservation of the urban biodiversity. This study aims to quantify the tree covering in São Paulo City, SP, discussing its implications in the urban landscape. It was quantified the arboreal covering of a sample section of São Paulo City, SP, by using images of Worldview 2 satellite and Quantum GIS software, generating the Vegetation Index (TVI) per district. With the TVI, the area and the percentage of vegetation of each district were obtained with Fragstats software. The most wooded areas are Cachoeirinha, Tremembé, Mandaqui, Vila Andrade, and Morumbi; and the less: Limão, Santa Cecilia, Cambuci, Sé and Brás. Only two districts present an ideal percentage of vegetation recommended by specific literature. Arboreal covering seems to be linked to the income level of the region, having the wealthy neighborhoods, in general, a higher percentage of vegetation. An environmental scenario for the study area was presented, aiming to increase the percentage of arboreal covering and the connection to existing vegetation spaces.Downloads
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