Urban forestry, Urban climate, Thermal comfort, Windbreaks, LAIAbstract
Understanding the climate of urban areas in its various conformations is an object of great interest for the improvement of the life quality of its users. This study is part of the Master’s Degree thesis that aimed to evaluate vegetation elements as a barrier to winds, targeting the thermal comfort in open spaces. The used procedure was to quantify the interference of vegetation elements in the wind flows, at pedestrians’ height, from pre-established vegetation configurations. The scenario chosen for this study was the external area of the Methodist University of Piracicaba (UNIMEP) Campus, in Taquaral District in Piracicaba City, SP. A combination of three species arranged as wind barrier were studied: Jasminum mesnyi Hance, Pseudosasa japonica (Steud.) Makino and Pinus caribaea Morelet. The measured microclimate variables were: air temperature, relative air humidity and wind speed, in three distinct positions per species: in an open field nearby, in front and behind the barrier. The data collection period was from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., in intervals of 3 to 5 minutes, for three days each species, during August and September 2014. It was taken the LAI (Leaf Area Index) measurement of the barriers, to analyze the feasibility of adopting it as a parameter to predict results, what would allow its applicability to other species. The results indicated a favorable trend towards this principle, but studies with more sampling intensity are necessary to obtain this correlation. Other uses may have benefits from this line of study, as predicting the risk of falling trees, for instance.Downloads
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