Nature-Based Solutions as as instrument for improve urban forestry, helping to build water-sensitive and climate resilient cities




Nature-based solutions (SbNs), City, Adaptation, Mitigation, Permeable pavement, Urban trees


Given the context of climate change, it becomes increasingly imperative to adopt strategies for building resilient landscapes, which are able to respond to extreme weather events, such as heavy rains and prolonged drought periods, which can already be observed and according to forecasts will be even more critical in the coming decades. The concept of water-sensitive cities establishes the principles for the construction of a healthy urban environment, where ecosystem services are included, to the territory and its community. Urban afforestation is essential in this process, as it acts in the maintenance of various regulation, provision, cultural and support processes. Despite its importance, urban afforestation finds in large cities a highly adverse environment for its development, especially with regarding water availability, nutrients and space for its adequate growth, and the fall of urban trees during intense rains is responsible for damage to property and people. Pivoting, ie, the fall with the uplift of the entire root system, is caused by the inadequate development of the root system, which in urban areas is mainly due to soil compaction of public sidewalks or sidewalks; the poor distribution of moisture throughout the volume of soil below the pavement also contributes to limiting the development of roots, in addition to this, we often have the inappropriate choice of species that does not observe the characteristics of the place. The bed areas, responsible for capturing rainwater, are not enough to collect a volume of water that allows an adequate environment for the development of the root system and the tree as a whole. Permeable pavements, which allow water to infiltrate the soil and store part of the rainwater, can enhance a favorable habitat for plant development. In this study, the hydrological processes on sidewalks with different configurations were simulated in order to verify the effect of the implementation of permeable paving on water availability as an instrument for the maintenance of urban afforestation. The results obtained demonstrate the potential of using these systems to increase the water availability in the soil for the maintenance of urban afforestation.


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How to Cite

Marchioni, M., Raimondi, A., Silva, J. C. de A. da, Yazaki, L. F. O. de L., Velasco, G. D. N., Brazolin, S., Silva Filho, C. A. da, & Becciu, G. (2022). Nature-Based Solutions as as instrument for improve urban forestry, helping to build water-sensitive and climate resilient cities. Revista LABVERDE, 12(1), 12-44.