Urban forest, nature based solutions and landscape: planning and project in the city of São Carlos (SP)





Nature Based Solutions, Open space system, Urban Forest, Landscape, Urban planning


Urbanization and the conflicts generated with the environment are one of the most challenging issues of our times, generating the need to create new and different approaches to urban territory such as Urban Forest, Ecosystem Services, Open Space System and Green Infrastructure and, more recently, Nature-based Solutions. However, the incorporation of these concepts in normative instruments, bases for the implementation of public policies, is still a great challenge in Latin American cities. Given the above, the aim of this article was to discuss and present the case of the city of São Carlos (SP), as an experience of planning an Urban Forest based on SbN, which is structured from a System of Open Spaces, shaped by legal bases. The method used was divided into three parts, the first being a historical-temporal review of the creation of legislation and planning cartographies of the last decade, the second analyzes the articulation of these instruments and cartographies and the third part presents a process of Landscape planning and design, based on a System of Open Spaces and Green Infrastructure. The instruments that sequentially marked a history of achievements ranging from the creation of Protection and Recovery Areas of Water Sources - APREM; Areas of Environmental Interest – AIA; Complementary Green Strips – FVC; Urban Parks and a System of Municipal Parks - SIPAM. It is hoped that from this article, paths for a more systemic planning can be glimpsed, anchored in cultural construction processes that integrate different agents and that are based on the notion of public interest and on closer relations between man and nature.


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Author Biographies

  • Daniel Tonelli Caiche, Prefeitura Municipal de São Carlos

    Graduated in Forest Engineering from Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho (2008), Master in Urban Engineering from Federal University of São Carlos (2015) and PhD in ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES from Federal University of São Carlos (2020). He is currently a forestry engineer at the Municipality of São Carlos - SP. He has experience in the Urban Environmental Planning area with an emphasis on Urban Forestry and Afforestation, Urban Parks, Management Plans, Ecological Restoration and Forestry Policy.

  • Renata Bovo Peres, Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCar). Departamento de Ciências Ambientais

    Adjunct Professor at the Department of Environmental Sciences at the Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar). Architect and Urban Planner from the Institute of Architecture and Urbanism - IAU-USP, with a Masters in Architecture and Urbanism from the Institute of Architecture and Urbanism - IAU-USP, specialization in Environmental Management from the Federal University of São Carlos and a PhD in Urban Engineering from the Federal University of São Carlos (2012). He completed his doctoral internship abroad at the Department of Geography at the Universidad Autònoma de Barcelona, ​​Spain. She is currently Coordinator of the Undergraduate Course in Management and Environmental Analysis and Professor of the Postgraduate Program in Environmental Sciences (PPGCam-UFSCar). Worked as a consultant for urban environmental plans and projects in several cities. He has experience in the area of ​​Urban Environmental Planning, working mainly on the following topics: urbanization processes and the environment, municipal, regional and territorial management, management of green spaces and climate change, public policies, master plans, neighborhood impact studies and others urban and regional planning instruments.

  • Luciana Bongiovanni Martins Schenk, São Paulo University (USP)

    Ph.D. Professor at the Institute of Architecture and Urbanism of the University of São Paulo (IAU - USP). Professor of the Graduate Program, IAU - USP. It belongs to the Concentration Area Theory and History of Architecture and Urbanism. Member of the Research Lines 1. Architecture City and Landscape in Brazil and Latin America, and 2. Territories and Cities: Transformations, Permanences, Preservation. Co-leader of the YBY Research Group - Land Studies, Urban Policies, Space and Landscape Production (registered with CNPq). Co-leader of the São Carlos Urban Parks Planning Working Group (GTPU). Collaborator of the QUAPÁ-SEL network, Framework for Landscaping in Brazil and of the Thematic Project with FAPESP and CNPq support. FAPESP ad hoc consultant. National President of ABAP, Brazilian Association of Landscape Architects, 2018 - 2020 and 2020-2022 administrations. Education: Degree in Architecture and Urbanism from the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of the University of São Paulo, FAU-USP (1990). Degree in Philosophy from the Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Human Sciences FFLCH-USP (2001). Master's Degree in Architecture and Urbanism at FAU-USP (1997). Doctorate in Architecture and Urbanism from the Postgraduate Program in Architecture and Urbanism at EESC-USP(2008). Experience in the areas of Architecture and Urbanism, Landscape Architecture and Landscaping.


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How to Cite

Caiche, D. T., Peres, R. B., & Schenk, L. B. M. . (2021). Urban forest, nature based solutions and landscape: planning and project in the city of São Carlos (SP). Revista LABVERDE, 11(1), 121-149. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2179-2275.labverde.2021.189316