Dissemination of ideas of Nature Based Solutions: an analysis of the implementation of the Orla de Piratininga Park, Niterói (RJ)
Epistemic communities, City, Adaptation, Actors, Dissemination of planning conceptsAbstract
In the process of putting Nature based Solutions (NbS) into practice at the local level, the definitions and practices diffuse between places on a global scale. Healey (2012) states that “traveling” ideas are very much shaped by their places of origin and the channels through which they travel, but that the full story is only told by looking at what happens when the idea “lands.” Based on Haas’ (1992) theoretical framework on epistemic communities and adopting Stone et al.’s (2020) categories of analysis on policy transfer, this research aims to delineate the main actors and respective communities involved in the implementation of SbN. Therefore, this paper presents an analysis based on the case of the Orla de Piratininga Park, in Niterói (RJ), which is considered one of the first projects in Brazil to explicitly implement NbS. The aim is to map the use of this term, documenting those directly or indirectly involved in its implementation to analyze their positioning in the international and local arrangements that favor the term’s entry and dissemination. We conducted an analysis of documents relevant to the implementation of the park in order to identify the key actors and other relevant documents. We conclude that for the idea to land, it is as essential to have a favorable local context as it is to cross different scales. These can be transnational organizations, which set agendas, or individuals acting in multiple arenas. Moreover, the timing of the adoption of the term NbS in our case study is after the time of the adoption of the technique, suggesting that there is a dynamic of alignment between the involved and techniques that are already applied locally, in dialogue with global policy guidelines, transforming the technical vocabulary. Finally, the transfer of the idea of NbS both depends on and strengthens a network of actors.
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