Park commodification: NbS in the Green Space Production in Lima




NbS, space production, commodification, ecosystem services, urban green spaces, Urban Political Ecology


Nature based Solutions (NbS) is a toolbox that handles alternatives of ecosystem services provision in the cities through the installation of natural infrastructure. However, due to its technical nature, these proposals do not question capitalist space production system; it focuses on developing design and planning procedures that enhance the available ecosystem functions, while creating a society accepted value from it. Still, underlying territorial configuration remains functional to capitalist dynamics of circulation of goods and uneven distribution and accumulation of wealth. Current study address NbS strategies and questions it against the described framework of free market distribution of space. The selected method is employed to identify and analyze these strategies using the theoretical framework of Urban Political Ecology. This analysis looks to identify the NbS contributions that seek a structural solution to uneven distribution and access of urban green spaces. It is suggested a direction to ensure NbS a role on promoting social action along to the enhancement of green spaces. Key on these endeavor is to embrace the spatial character of NbS and the big role it has in the practice and experience of social life.


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Author Biography

  • Victor Peña Guillen, Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina

    Profesor Principal, Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina


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How to Cite

Peña Guillen, V. (2022). Park commodification: NbS in the Green Space Production in Lima. Revista LABVERDE, 12(1), 161-182.