Botucatu airport: Sustainable project and turism


  • André Luiz Souza Barbosa
  • Maria de Assunção Ribeiro Franco



Aeroporto, Ambiente, Sustentabilidade, Turismo Regional


This article aims to foster focused discussions about the importance of the airport of Botucatu associated with tourism potential of this region, and consequently the impact of this finding in different directions, they are; geopolitical, economic, operational, environmental, planning, sustainable, anyway, a complex of variables very important aspect not only regional, but that can serve as an example for other regions of the country. Botucatu is a municipality located in the tourist, but that potentially has also an attractive industrial pole active and diversified, making it a polyvalent municipality in geopolitical aspect; Hence its importance with regard to the recent and extensive investments of the business sector and the State. Sustainable development is a reality in the modern world. Awareness of this process, at all levels, be they business, Government, and personal, brings global benefits preservation aspects both for the environment as to who uses it, is today as tomorrow.


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Author Biographies

  • André Luiz Souza Barbosa
    Arquiteto e Urbanista, Profº IFSP, Mestre e Doutorando – FAUUSP.
  • Maria de Assunção Ribeiro Franco
    Arquiteta e Urbanista, Profª Titular e Livre Docente – FAUUSP



How to Cite

Barbosa, A. L. S., & Franco, M. de A. R. (2011). Botucatu airport: Sustainable project and turism. Revista LABVERDE, 3, 55-76.