Botucatu integrated master plan: for or against sustainable development?
Sustainable urban development, sustainable cities, Climate Change, Botucatu Integrated Master Plan, APA BotucatuAbstract
In a time when occurs much discussion about sustainable development and construction of sustainable cities, as adaptation and / or mitigation actions against the effects of “Climate Change”, how the existing method of urban development contributes or not to such guidelines? Since the great importance of Botucatu City, from its location to the concentration of natural resources, APA (Environmental Protected Area) in Botucatu, the Guarani Aquifer recharge, among others, the city needs to develop its guidelines in the direction of sustainability, and therefore incorporate them into its laws and plans. This research aims to review key concepts of sustainable development and sustainable cities and identify them or not, in the premises of urban development, the Integrated Plan of Botucatu.
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