Landscape planning as principles of urban sustainable project - Campus Gloria/UFU
Urban Landscape, Water Resources, University Campus, Green Infrastructure, Sustainable Urban DesignAbstract
This article presents the experience with the preparation of the urban project for the Gloria Campus of Uberlândia Federal University (UFU), located in the city of Uberlândia-MG. At Gloria Campus the Institution commenced the implementation of a sustainable university, in a process started from its inception, establishing guidelines that will result planned actions for sustainability. The project aimed to discuss proposals and actions developed by various universities focused on environmental sustainability, discussing some challenges that arise both in Brazil and other countries. For this purpose it was used concepts of landscape restoration associated with infrastructure incorporation, called as “green” by some authors, which are connected with open spaces, to which urban greenways, constructed wetlands, parks, reforestation of hillsides and green streets were added. Furthermore, indexes and sustainable parameters in urbanized areas were defined, among other low-impact interventions, incorporating better water management practices, aiming to provide important contributions to a more efficient environmental design in the cities.

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