Architecture, Lake, Ibirapuera Park, Water Structure, LandscapingAbstract
This article aims to achieve a different analysis of the most visited urban park in the city of São Paulo, having its water as reference. By analyzing texts from different authors, it was noted that there are many reports of the history of that park, from its conception, through its implementation until the current situation. It was also found critical analyzes approaching several issues such as politics, architecture, landscaping, use of spaces by users etc. However, a little was found about the lakes and its relationship with the conception design of the park, but just historical files with records of various projects to clean up pollution its waters. This work intends to clarify how the implementation and use of the Ibirapuera area has occurred – and still occurs – according to the needs of the society. It also intends to explain how the relationship of the society with the local landscape is. How has occurred the transformation of a large ecological area in an urban park, built to symbolize progress? Which is the role of those lakes in the structure of the park? Which are the processes involved in the transformation of that area? How are the lakes considered by its users and how the relationship between people and the lakes is? These and other questions will be answered by the results of bibliographic search, official files and also through analysis and visits to that site, as well as interviews with researchers and park staff.Downloads
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