Kieslowski, Jarman e Klein: variações em torno do azul


  • Susana Dobal Universidade de Brasília


Palabras clave:

Blue, Cinema, Art, Krzysztof Kieslowski, Derek Jarman, Yves Klein


It may happen that the path that departs from interaction towards interiority leads to an urge to encompass the world. Though this experience is impalpable, it has been translated as a colour in cinema and in art.This is the interior movement that informs explorations on the colour blue in three different works: in Krzysztof Kieslowski’s film Bleu, in Derek Jarman’s film Blue and in Yves Klein’s artistic investigation of ultramarine blue. The comparison between them can help elucidate different points: how the colour blue can trigger similar meanings in different contexts; how film and art can engage in a dialogue wherein the singularity of each work helps clarify elements of the other; how an ineffable concept, such as that represented by the blue colour, can fit different artistic languages and different levels of abstraction.

Biografía del autor/a

  • Susana Dobal, Universidade de Brasília

    Fotógrafa e professora na Universidade de Brasília.




