História e ambivalência no Magellan de Hollis Frampton


  • Michael Zryd York University



Palabras clave:

Found footage, Hollis Frampton, Magellan


Magellan is the film project that consumed the last decade of Hollis Frampton’s career, yet it remains largely unexamined. Frampton once declared that “the whole history of art is no more than a massive footnote to the history of film”, and Magellan is a hugely ambitious attempt to construct that history. It is a metahistory of film and the art historical tradition, which incorporates multiple media (film, photography, painting, sculpture, animation, sound, video, spoken and written language) and anticipates developments in computer-generated new media.

Biografía del autor/a

  • Michael Zryd, York University

    Professor associado em Estudos do Cinema e dos Meios no Departamento de Cinema e Artes Mediáticas, e está vinculado aos programas de graduação em Estudos do Cinema e dos Meios e em Cultura e Comunicação na Universidade de York (Toronto, Canadá).


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