The Heraion Collection at the Museum of Delos: between research and expography




Heraion of Delos, Archaeological Museum of Delos, Expography, Archaeological research, Digital tools and media


This text is part of the ongoingresearch on the Sanctuary of Hera (Heraion) in Delos, a project of the French School of Athens (École française d’Athènes - EfA) with a network of collaborators from Brazilian universities. More specifically, it addresses the close linkages between archaeological research on the Sanctuary of Hera in Delos, dating back to the 19th century, and the local museum, built in the early 20th century. We approach issues linked to the research process between the archaeological site and the museum, in addition to the prevalent logic in the presentation of many objects from the archaeological site in the museum’s public exhibition. Finally, we propose strategies based on a virtual setting with the aim of reorganizing some limits between the archaeological site, the local museum and communications.


Biografia do Autor

  • Gilberto da Silva Francisco, Universidade Federal de São Paulo

    Assistant Professor at the Federal University of Sao Paulo (UNIFESP), Senior Member of the École française d’Athènes (EfA), responsible for the “Heraion of Delos” project.

  • Carolina Machado Guedes, Universidade Metropolitana de Santos

    Professor at the Santos Metropolitan University (UNIMES). Collaborator of the “Heraion of Delos” project (EfA).


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Como Citar

FRANCISCO, Gilberto da Silva; GUEDES, Carolina Machado. The Heraion Collection at the Museum of Delos: between research and expography. Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia, São Paulo, Brasil, n. 39, p. 93–110, 2022. DOI: 10.11606/issn.2448-1750.revmae.2022.203706. Disponível em: Acesso em: 24 mar. 2025.