Together in the coast: zooarchaeology and geoarchaeology analyses of southern Santa Catarina coast sambaquis
Shell middens, Coastal archaeology, Zooarchaeology, Geoarchaeology, MicromorphologyAbstract
This paper explores the contribution that zooarchaeological and geoarchaeological analyses can bring to the study of shell sites depositional history combined approach is applied for the study of two that represent part of the diversity of shell deposits in the southern coast of Santa Catarina State: Jabuticabeira II, a monumental cemetery; and Encantada III, a smaller shell deposit that, besides its apparent simplicity, presents a challenge for the definition of its function. In Encantada III, zoo and geoarchaeology contributed to a better characterization of its role as short-term deposit of long lasting permanence. Both shell sites, and their practical and symbolical attributions, represent examples of the complex dynamics of the anthropic construction of a landscape.Downloads
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Copyright (c) 2010 Daniela Klokler, Ximena S. Villagrán, Paulo C.F. Giannini, Sílvia Peixoto, Paulo DeBlasis

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How to Cite
KLOKLER, Daniela; VILLAGRÁN, Ximena S.; GIANNINI, Paulo C.F.; PEIXOTO, Sílvia; DEBLASIS, Paulo. Together in the coast: zooarchaeology and geoarchaeology analyses of southern Santa Catarina coast sambaquis. Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia, São Paulo, Brasil, n. 20, p. 53–75, 2010. DOI: 10.11606/issn.2448-1750.revmae.2010.89910. Disponível em: Acesso em: 10 mar. 2025.