Repair to the insertion of the Teres minor muscle in the domestic dog


  • Orlando Marques de Paiva Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Departamento de Anatomia Descritiva dos Animais Domésticos, São Paulo, SP



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The A. dissected 101 thoracic limbs with the scope of studying the origin (insertios capularis) of the teres minor muscle in the domestic dog. The pieces prepared showed aspect always uniform concerning the scapular insertion though in flagrant disagreement with the descriptions recorded in the different treatises of Comparative Anatomy, in this particular incomplete, omissive and sometimes inexact. According to the A. the teres minor muscle originates: 1) by means of the cranial margin of the parsaponeurotica, through thin tendinous fibers, the longer the more caudal, on the caudal border of the scapula, from the costal angle to near the scapular neck. The insertion line of the teres minor muscle, near the thickened costal angle, deviates from the margin properly  said running cranially and parallel to the same margin. 2) by means of a short and wide tendon that arises on the basilar portion of the pars muscularis and is inserted into the supercil of the glenoid cavity, particularly in the Tuberositas infraglenoidalis. The A. criticizes the nomenclature employed to name the teres minor muscle and appreciates the question of the individuality of the same. Accepts and confirms the opinion of GREIG dealing with the weaker constitution of this muscle in pronograde forms. In fact, in the dog and in domestic animals generally the teres minor muscle show's little development. Quotes TEHVER and von SÖREN NÓREN on account of the mention both make about the teres minor muscle of the dog. About the aponeurotic portion of the teres minor muscle, the A. admits that it corresponds to the traject run by the muscular fibers during the reduction suffered by the muscle in pronograde forms.


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How to Cite

Repair to the insertion of the Teres minor muscle in the domestic dog. (1946). Revista Da Faculdade De Medicina Veterinária, Universidade De São Paulo, 3(3), 15-27.