Fecundity control in 154 Zebu cows, with brucellosis, comparation between natural way and artificial insemination


  • Uriel Franco Rocha Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, São Paulo, SP




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In a group of 2500 cows, in the county of Olimpia, State of São Paulo 278 of them reacted positively to the test of brucellosis by the method of rapid serum aglutination in glass plate with stained antigen. From those 278 cows, 154 were kept in a separated field, with special care to avoid contamination with the rest of the group. The A. studies this lot of 154 cows from the view point of the reproduction; everyone of them had the same opportunity for fecundation first by natural way and afterwards by artificial insemination; the following dates were found:

Sterile animals...........................................34,4%

Fecundation by natural way ........................ 33,8%

Fecundation by artificial insemination . . 31,8%

Total number of Fecundations................... 65,6%

Surviving calves...........................................56,5%

The A. concludes from these results, that the artificial insemination process will allow us to increase the number of fecundations in cows positive for brucellosis, this increase, in the present case, being of about 31,8%.


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How to Cite

Fecundity control in 154 Zebu cows, with brucellosis, comparation between natural way and artificial insemination. (1948). Revista Da Faculdade De Medicina Veterinária, Universidade De São Paulo, 3(4), 327-330. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2318-5066.v3i4p327-330