Distance from the papilla duodeni hepatica to the papilla duodeni pancreatica in brahman crossbreds
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In this study it was searched and analysed, statistically, the average distance from the “Papilla diwdeni hepatica” to the “Papilla duodeni pancrealica”, on Brahman crossbreds, the age of which varied, approximately, from 28 (change of first incisor) to 51 months (change of fourth incisor). After detailing the method of study, measures were taken on 324 pieces: 231 of males, 15 of females, the rest proceeding from 78 animals of unknown sex; this total includes 109 duodenal tracts (1(J3 of males and 6 of females) measured before and after fixation, in order to inquire the retractility percentage. Statistical appreciation comprised the determination of arithmetic mean, standard deviation, standard error of arithmetic mean and t-test; graphics of frequency distributions and the correspondent normal curves were also presented. Both divulge unpublished data on the pancreatic duct of Brahman crossbred and settle eventual breed differences were the purposes of this investigation. The bibliography discloses only Baumann and Schmotzer’s contribution in which numerical data in relation to the interpapillar distance are computed, thus permitting a comparative statistical study; the remaining isolated values, though average values, can not be subjected to statistical analysis. The convenience of making clear whether the pancreatic duct of bovine, single as it is admitted by nearly all the AA., represents the “Ductus pancreaticus” (Wirsungi) or the “Ductus pancreaticus accessorius” (Santorini), seems to be necessary on the ground of discordant AA.’s opinions. Indeed, Baumann and Schmotzer, Montane and Bourdelle describe the pancreatic duct as the “Ductus pancreaticus major”; Ellenbercer and Baum as the “Ductus pancreaticus accessorius”; while the rest (Mann, Foster and Brimhall, Favilli, Mongiardino, Caradonna and Bossi, Lepoutre, Lesbre, González y Garcia and Álvarez, Caradonna, Sisson, Sisson and Grossmann, Martin and Schauder, Bruni and Zimmerl) omit which the one is the functional. The development of the pancreas, in mammals (Stoss, Maurer “in” Hertwig, Pensa, Arey, Jordan and Kindred), namely in “bovidae” and “suidae”, illustrates that, since ventral pancreatic primordial loses its relationship to the common bile duct, the Wirsung's duct is missing; furthermore, as the relationship of dorsal pancreatic primordial and intestine persists, its excretory duct, the wide “Ductus Santorini”, opening into the duodenum, caudad to the hepatic duodenal papilla, represents the chief duct of these animals.