Contribution to the study of the liver’s excretor system in wild animal. II. Biliares ducts in monkeys (Cebus sp.)
Anatomy, Biliary ducts, Monkey, LiverAbstract
It was systematized, by dissection, the biliary ducts of 30 monkeys (Cebus sp.), 16 males and 14 females, young and adult. The results of this investigation indicated: a) the ductus choledocus is formed by the convergence of the ductus hepaticus and ductus cysticus (73,3%) or of the ramus principalis dexter and ramus principalis sinister (26,7%); b) the ductus hepaticus is caracterized in 73,3% of the cases; c) the ductus cysticus participates of the formation of the ductus choledocus (73,3%), of the ramus principalis dexter (23,3%) and of the ramus principalis sinister(3,3% ); d) the system of the ramus principalis dexter is integrated by the ramus lobi dextri lateralis (90,0%), the ramus processi caudati (83,3%),the ramus lobi dextri medialis (73,3%), the ramus processi papillaris(43,3%), the ductus cysticus (23,3%) the ramus lobi quadrati (16,7%),the ramus lobi sinistri lateralis (3,3%), the ramus lobi sinistri medialis(3 ,3% ) and innominate ducts from the lobus dexter lateralis, lobus dexter, medialis, lobus caudatus (processus caudatus and processus papillaris) and lobus quadratus; e) the system of the ramus principalis sinister is composed by the ramus lobi sinistri lateralis (96,7%), the ramus lobi sinistri medialis(86,7%), the ramus lobi quadrati (76,7%), the ramus processi papillaris(56,7%), the ramus processi caudati (20,0%), the ramus lobi dextrimedialis (16,7%), o ductus cysticus (3,3%) and inominate colectors fromthe lobus sinister lateralis, lobus sinister medialis, lobus quadratus, lobus caudatus (processus papillaris), lobus dexter lateralis e lobus dexter medialis.Downloads
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Contribution to the study of the liver’s excretor system in wild animal. II. Biliares ducts in monkeys (Cebus sp.). (1975). Revista Da Faculdade De Medicina Veterinária E Zootecnia Da Universidade De São Paulo, 12(1), 67-94.