Weaning of Holtein male calves with different diets. I. Feeding an growing performance


  • Carlos de Sousa Lucci Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, São Paulo, SP
  • Sergio Takanori Kuboki
  • Mario Issao Aoki
  • Yara Bortoletto
  • José Rubens Blasi Carvalho Rosas




Calves (weaning systems), Nutrition (ruminant)


Twenty-four Holstein mael calves were used in a randonmized block design evaluating 4 treatments ; A) without roughages; B) with alfalfa hay; C) with Rhode s grass hay and D) with corn silage. All the treatments had milk up to 7 weeks old and calf starter up to 2.5 kg per calf per day. The experimental period was from 2 to 12 weeks old. Average daily gains were: A: 0.356kg; B: 0.519kg; C) 0.404kg and a D: 0.548kg. Treatments B and D presented significantly higher weight gains than C and A (p≤ 0.01) Calves on D ingested more calf starter (77 .6 kg) than calves on C (57.4kg); the B (73.1kg) and D calves ingested more calf starter than ones on A (52.1kg). The conclusion is that calves had higher performances with good palatability roughages, and among the forrages alfalfa hay presented better results considering all periods of life.


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How to Cite

Weaning of Holtein male calves with different diets. I. Feeding an growing performance. (1980). Revista Da Faculdade De Medicina Veterinária E Zootecnia Da Universidade De São Paulo, 17(1/2), 7-9. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2318-3659.v17i1/2p7-9