Comparative study among Sellers staining direct immunofluorescence and mice inoculation techniques applied in the laboratory diagnosis of canines rabies


  • Pedro Manoel Leal Germano Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Ambulatório do Serviço Médico Cirúrgico e Hospitalar, São Paulo, SP
  • Omar Miguel Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Departamento de Medicina Veterinária Preventiva e Saúde Animal, São Paulo, SP
  • Esther Luiza Bocatto Chamelet Secretaria de Saúde do Estado de São Paulo, Instituto Pasteur, Laboratório de Diagnostico da Raiva, São Paulo, SP
  • Luiza Terezinha M. de S. Morita Secretaria de Saúde do Estado de São Paulo, Instituto Pasteur, Laboratório de Diagnostico da Raiva, São Paulo, SP



Rabies (diagnosis), Staining (Sellers’ technique), Immunofluorescence, Mice inoculation.


A comparative study was made with three techniques Sellers staining, direct immunofluorescence, and mice inoculation used in the laboratory of rabies diagnosis practice and applied on 2.242 samples of dog brains which were sent to the Pasteur Institute of São Paulo from January 1974 to April 1976. The mice inoculation and direct immunofluorescence techniques were the ones which presented higher degree of sensitivity; this association resulted in a greater rapport and a higher significative value for the X2 (chi-square). The Sellers staining technique resulted in a lower degree of sensitivity, and its association with the direct immunofluorescence and mice inoculation techniques gave lower results of rapport and X2 (chi-square) than those obtained by the association of the two latter techniques


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How to Cite

Comparative study among Sellers staining direct immunofluorescence and mice inoculation techniques applied in the laboratory diagnosis of canines rabies. (1977). Revista Da Faculdade De Medicina Veterinária E Zootecnia Da Universidade De São Paulo, 14(1), 133-141.