Graciliano’s letters in France: self-taught letters in the world of broken glasses


  • Ieda Lebensztayn Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, SP



Graciliano Ramos, letters, France, translation


The purpose of this essay is, based on Graciliano Ramos’ letters, both published and unpublished, to investigate the writer’s ties with France. Allowing to reflect on historical issues that transpire in the movement of foreign and national visions with respect to Brazil and France, the letters show the impasses and achievements experienced by a self-taught intellectual as the author of Vidas secas. The epistolary dialogue with editors, aimed at the reciprocal desire to see Brazilian novels translated into the French language, speaks about the universal force of art embedded in the economic factor. And the analysis of the style of letters, made with humour and seriousness, also captures from Graciliano’s friendship relations with Joaquim Pinto, with Paulo Rónai, the critical acuteness, kindness and love devoted to the study of languages and to the choice of words assembled in art.


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Author Biography

  • Ieda Lebensztayn, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, SP
    IEDA LEBENSZTAYN é pesquisadora na Biblioteca Brasiliana Mindlin-FFLCH/USP, bolsista do CNPq (166032/2015-8) e autora de Graciliano Ramos e a Novidade: o astrônomo do inferno e os meninos impossíveis e, com Thiago Mio Salla,
    de Conversas e Cangaços.





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How to Cite

Lebensztayn, I. (2017). Graciliano’s letters in France: self-taught letters in the world of broken glasses. Revista Do Instituto De Estudos Brasileiros, 67, 142-164.