Otras protagonistas del arte argentino

las mujeres artistas en los Salones Nacionales (1924-1939)


  • Georgina Gluzman Universidade Nacional de San Martín (UNSAM, Buenos Aires, Argentina)




Women artists; National Salons; Argentina, women artists, national salons, Argentina


From 1911 onward, the National Salons in Argentina offered women artists a chance to make their work known and gain recognition. This article
analyzes their interventions from 1924, the year of consecration of Raquel Forner, to 1939, when Ana Weiss de Rossi was distinguished with the maximum award. In addition, the trajectory of three artists (Catalina Mórtola de Bianchi, María Carmen Portela Cantilo and Hildara Pérez de  Llansó) who found in the National Salons a way (although not the only one) presented themselves to the public and critics are analyzed. The reception, the critical fortune and the insertion in museums of these five women artists, four of whom have been displaced from the histories of art, are examined.


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Author Biography

  • Georgina Gluzman, Universidade Nacional de San Martín (UNSAM, Buenos Aires, Argentina)

    Secretária acadêmica do Instituto de Pesquisa em Patrimônio Cultural da Universidade Nacional de San Martín (UNSAM) e pesquisadora assistente do Conselho Nacional de Investigações Científicas e Técnicas (Conicet) da





Women, files and memories

How to Cite

Gluzman, G. (2018). Otras protagonistas del arte argentino: las mujeres artistas en los Salones Nacionales (1924-1939). Revista Do Instituto De Estudos Brasileiros, 71, 51-79. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2316-901X.v0i71p51-79