Respect to the remains: Lady Callcott and art criticism in the 19th century




Lady Maria Callcott, Essays towards the history of painting, Women in art criticism


Lady Callcott was a British traveler who was active in criticism and art collecting. From her book Essays towards the history of painting, we can discuss the establishment of a scientific methodology for the history of art and understand the participation of women in art criticism. We argue that direct observation and description of collections, aspects observed in Callcott’s book, were resources used to attest to the authenticity of works acquired by Museums and private collectors.


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Author Biography

  • Maria de Fatima Medeiros de Souza, Universidade de São Paulo. Instituto de Estudos Brasileiros

    Maria de Fatima Medeiros de Souza é pós-doutoranda em Culturas e Identidades Brasileiras no Instituto de Estudos Brasileiros da Universidade de São Paulo (IEB/USP).


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Dossiê: A crítica de arte feita por mulheres e seus desdobramentos institucionais

How to Cite

Souza, M. de F. M. de . (2024). Respect to the remains: Lady Callcott and art criticism in the 19th century. Revista Do Instituto De Estudos Brasileiros, 1(87), 1-26.