Aggressive pulmonary paracoccidioidomycosis, stenosante tracheitis and subacute Cor pulmonale: report of a case
Paracoccidioidomycosis (Pbmycosis) reaches the lungs through the respiratory tract where it initiates the primary infection. Although the disease produces a variety of extrapulmonary manifestations, the lungs are involved in a large number of cases. The trachea is affected by Pbmycosis lymphohematogenic dissemination causing a granulomatous process leading to airway obstruction and secondary asphyxia. A 32 years old male, farm worker coming from Sarutaia (SP.) was studied in our hospital. The patient has developed, since 8 months ago a white productive daily cough and a mild dyspnea. Four months later, the mentioned symptoms worsened and anorexia and asthenia appeared. One month previously to hospital admission the dyspnea increased and a weight loss of 15 kg was observed. He has been a heavy smoker and a heavy drinker during the last 16 years. On physical examination it was observed: blood pressure = 100/70 mm/Hg, respiratory rate = 28 pm, body weight = 31 Kg. Pulmonary emphysema, clubbing, loud an splitting S2, right ventricular hypertrophy on E.K.G., hepatosplenomegaly and signs of obstructive pulmonary disease allowed the diagnosis of a "Cor pulmonale" like syndrome, Amphotericin B was administred at the dose of 1 mg/Kg body weight. A relative adrenal insufficiency was observed early during the treatment. 45 days after hospitalization the patient developed an acute respiratory insufficiency caused by tracheal obstruction and aggravated Cor pulmonale. In spite of intensive care he died. The tracheal stenosis and sub acute Cor pulmonale reported in this patient is a rare manifestation of human pulmonary pbmycosis.Downloads
Case Reports
How to Cite
Campos, E. P., Torchio, L. N., Cataneo, A. J. M., & Perotti, L. A. (1986). Aggressive pulmonary paracoccidioidomycosis, stenosante tracheitis and subacute Cor pulmonale: report of a case. Revista Do Instituto De Medicina Tropical De São Paulo, 28(3), 185-189.