Detection of newborn infants at risk for congenitat toxoplasmosis in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


  • Sergio G. Coutinho Instituto Oswaldo Cruz
  • Aparecida P. Garcia Instituto Fernandes Figueira
  • Maria Regina R. Amendoeira Instituto Oswaldo Cruz
  • Marlene B. Assumpção Instituto Fernandes Figueira
  • Nicola Albano Instituto Fernandes Figueira


Within the third to fifth day after birth, btood samples for indirect immunefluorescence tests (rF) for toxoplasmosis were taken from l0B2 neonates. B?? (36.50/o) rF.rgG and rF-rgM seronegative cases and 65s (68.b%) rF-rgG seropositive cases reacting from 1:16 to 1:1024 were found. rn 1b such cases e.4%), sera were reactive in both the IgG and IgM classes, 12 cases being IF-IgM : 1:16, and B cases IF-I9M - L:64. These cases were considered. at potential risks for congenital infection þy T. gondii. of these 15 cases, a morphological study of 18 placentas showed data suggestive of prolonged fetal injuries in 11 such cases. All these 13 placentas showed signs of hematogenous inflammatory processes. Four placentas revealed structures with morphological characteristics similar to cysts of Toxo. plasma gondii at the microscopical examination. Of these four neonates where the parasite'was found in the placentas, one infant was underweight and showed discrete microcephaly. Two children had hepatosplenomegaþ, one of them with unilateral retinochoroiditis. The fourth case was clinicalþ normal. In the other 11 cases, selected due to possible risk of congenital infection, one infant was pre. mature, eight were normal, and two showed symptomatolog¡r non-suggestive of congenital toxoplasmosis.


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Como Citar

Coutinho, S. G. ., Garcia, A. P. ., Amendoeira, M. R. R. ., Assumpção, M. B. ., & Albano, N. . (1983). Detection of newborn infants at risk for congenitat toxoplasmosis in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Revista Do Instituto De Medicina Tropical De São Paulo, 25(1), 25-30.