Chagasic megaileum: Case report


  • Maricéa Rychuv Santos
  • Carlos Walter Sobrado Jr
  • Aderson O. M. C. Damião
  • Joaquim José Gama-Rodrigues
  • Kiyoshi K. Irya
  • Henrique Walter Pinotti
  • Agostinho Bettarello
  • Joaquim Prado P. de Moraes-Filho


Megaíleo chagásico, Enteropatia chagásica, Visceromegalia chagásica, Tripanosomíase sul americana, Doença de Chagas


A patient with Chagas' Disease and mega-ileum is described. White, 41 years old, he presented a story of 3 years duration of crises of intestinal cramps, followed by abdominal distension and diarrhea. Between the crises, which became more intensive and more frequent, the patient did not present any complaint. The diagnosis of mega-ileum was made by small bowel radiological study. At histology of a biopsy fragment obtained during laparotomy, the denervation of mienteric plexus was confirmed.


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Case Reports

How to Cite

Santos, M. R., Sobrado Jr, C. W., Damião, A. O. M. C., Gama-Rodrigues, J. J., K. Irya, K., Pinotti, H. W., Bettarello, A., & Moraes-Filho, J. P. P. de. (1988). Chagasic megaileum: Case report . Revista Do Instituto De Medicina Tropical De São Paulo, 30(4), 293-296.