Polyclonal B-cell activation in human malaria: relevance to the development of anti-sporozoite specific immune response and of immunopathology in individuals from endemic areas (Rondonia State - Brazil)


  • Claudio Daniel-Ribeiro Fundação Oswaido Cruz; Institute Oswaldo Cruz; Department of Immunology
  • Dalma Maria Banic Fundação Oswaido Cruz; Institute Oswaldo Cruz; Department of Immunology
  • Joseli de Oliveira-Ferreira Fundação Oswaido Cruz; Institute Oswaldo Cruz; Department of Immunology
  • Ishiraf Issa-Ahmed Fundação Oswaido Cruz; Institute Oswaldo Cruz; Department of Immunology
  • Antonio Teva Fundação Oswaido Cruz; Institute Oswaldo Cruz; Department of Immunology







Original Articles

How to Cite

Daniel-Ribeiro, C., Banic, D. M., Oliveira-Ferreira, J. de, Issa-Ahmed, I., & Teva, A. (1988). Polyclonal B-cell activation in human malaria: relevance to the development of anti-sporozoite specific immune response and of immunopathology in individuals from endemic areas (Rondonia State - Brazil) . Revista Do Instituto De Medicina Tropical De São Paulo, 30(6), 415-418. https://revistas.usp.br/rimtsp/article/view/28620