Glycolipoprotein from Leptospira interrogans serogroup icterohaemorrhagiae: immunohistochemical expression in liver and kidney of experimentally infected guinea-pigs


  • R.T. Macêdo Santos Instituto Adolfo Lutz.
  • E.E. Sakata Instituto Adolfo Lutz
  • P.H. Y Yasuda Universidade de São Paulo; Instituto de Ciências Biornédicas
  • A. Wakamatsu Instituto Adolfo Lutz.
  • C.T. Kanamura Instituto Adolfo Lutz.
  • I. Candelori Instituto Adolfo Lutz.
  • C.B. Pestana Instituto Adolfo Lutz.
  • V.A.F. Alves Instituto Adolfo Lutz.


Glicolipoproteína, Leptospirose, Imunohistoquímica


Tissue damage in leptospirosis has been ascribed to direct effect of the microorganisms and/or their virulence, including products synthetised by leptospires or released during their lysis. This study aimed at chemical extraction of the glycolipoprotein (GLP) from virulent leptospires, production of a rabbit anti-GLP and analysis of its distribution in liver and kidney of inoculated guinea-pigs, sacrificed sequentially from the 1st to 6th day of infection, covering the whole, spectrum of acute leptospirosis. The comparison of GLP expression to local injuries aimed at new pathogenetic data. GLP was detected in liver and kidney in 2 out of 6 guinea-pigs on the 5th day and in all 6 animais on the 6th day of infection. Granular forms were seen in the cytoplasm of macrophages, free in interstitium or adhered to endothelial and parenchimal cell membranes, especially in the most damaged sites. These findings lead us to the hypothesis of GLP as a toxic factor resulting from leptospiral lysis by macrophages. Although it was not proved as a promoter of initial lesions, it seems to be related to the enhancement of tissue damage late in the course of the disease.


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How to Cite

Macêdo Santos, R., Sakata, E., Yasuda, P. Y., Wakamatsu, A., Kanamura, C., Candelori, I., Pestana, C., & Alves, V. (1989). Glycolipoprotein from Leptospira interrogans serogroup icterohaemorrhagiae: immunohistochemical expression in liver and kidney of experimentally infected guinea-pigs . Revista Do Instituto De Medicina Tropical De São Paulo, 31(4), 235-241.