Bacterial flora of the oral cavity, fangs and venom of Bothrops jararaca: possible source of infection at the local bite


  • Miguel Tanús Jorge Instituto Butantan; Hospital Vital Brazil
  • João Silva de Mendonça HSPE; Serviço de Moléstias Infecciosas
  • Lindioneza Adriano Ribeiro Secretaria de Saúde do Estado de São Paulo
  • Maria Lucia Ribeiro da Silva HSPE; Serviço de Laboratório Clínico; Setor de Hematologia
  • Elisa Junko Ura Kusano HSPE; Serviço de Laboratório Clínico
  • Carmen Lúcia dos Santos Cordeiro IB; Seção de Herpetologia


Bothrops jararaca, Contaminação bacteriana


Culture of fang, fang sheath and venom of fifteen healthy freshly captured Bothrops jararaca were analised. The bacteria most frequently encountered were group D streptococci (12 snakes), Enterobacter sp. (6), Providencia rettgeri (6), Providencia sp. (4), Escherichia coli (4), Morganella morganii (3) and Clostridium sp. (5). The bacteria observed are similar to those found in the abscesses from Bothrops bitten patients. Since these snake mouth bacteria may be inoculated during the snake bite, bacterial multiplication and infection may occur under favorable conditions.


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How to Cite

Jorge, M. T., Mendonça, J. S. de, Ribeiro, L. A., Silva, M. L. R. da, Kusano, E. J. U., & Cordeiro, C. L. dos S. (1990). Bacterial flora of the oral cavity, fangs and venom of Bothrops jararaca: possible source of infection at the local bite . Revista Do Instituto De Medicina Tropical De São Paulo, 32(1), 6-10.