E.L.I.S.A. in human coccidioidomycosis


  • Iris Nora Tiraboschi Facultad de Medicina de Buenos Aires; Departamento de Microbiología; Centro de Micología
  • B. Marticorena Facultad de Medicina de Buenos Aires; Departamento de Microbiología; Centro de Micología
  • R. Negroni Facultad de Medicina de Buenos Aires; Departamento de Microbiología; Centro de Micología


Coccidioidomicosis, E.L.I.S.A., Coccidioides immitis


An E.L.I.S.A. test for antibody detection, with an exo-antigen of Coccidioides immitis was standardized in 67 humans sera diluited in 1/1000, 1/2000, 1/4000 and 1/8000. Eightheen sera from mycologically proved cases of coccidioidomycosis were studied: 5 were negative and 13 were positive in some dilutions. 3/26 sera of healthy persons who presented positive skin tests with coccidioidin were positive and the other 23 sera did not have positive reactions. None of the 15 sera of healthy human exhibited positive E.L.I.S.A. Serum samples of 8 patients suffering other deep mycosis were studied, 4 of them presented cross-reactions in E.L.I.S.A. tests. E.L.I.S.A. test seems to be a useful Serologic technique for antibody detection in anticomplementary serum samples or when a low concentration of antibodies should be detected. As it is very sensitive, cross-reactions with other mycoses are frequent, thus the use other more specific serologic technique together E.L.I.S.A. is recommended.


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How to Cite

Tiraboschi, I. N., Marticorena, B., & Negroni, R. (1991). E.L.I.S.A. in human coccidioidomycosis . Revista Do Instituto De Medicina Tropical De São Paulo, 33(4), 281-285. https://revistas.usp.br/rimtsp/article/view/28836