Lethality of triatomines (Hemiptera: Reduviiae), vectors of Chagas' disease, feeding on blood baits containing synthetic insecticides, under laboratory conditions
Trypanosomiasis, Triatomines, Vector control, Blood feeding, Insecticides, Lethality rateAbstract
A laboratory study was conducted to test the toxicity of synthetic insecticides added to defibrinated sheep blood kept at room temperature and offered as food to the following triatomine species: Triatoma infestans, Panstrongylus megistus, Triatoma vitticeps, Triatoma pseudomaculata, Triatoma brasiliensis and Rhodnius prolixus. The insecticides used, at a concentration of 1g/l, were: HCH, DDT, Malathion and Trichlorfon, and the lethalithy observed at the end of a 7-day period varied according to the active principle of each. HCH was the most effective by the oral route, killing 100% of the insects, except P. megistus (95.7%) and T. pseudomaculata (94.1%). Trichlorfon killed the insects at rates ranging from 71.8% (T. vitticeps) to 98% (R. prolixus). Malathion was slightly less efficient, killing the insects at rates from 56.8% (T. vitticeps) to 97% (T.brasiliensis). DDT was the least effective, with a killing rate of 10% (T. vitticeps) to 75% (T.brasiliensis). Since the tests were performed at room temperature, we suggest that baits of this type should be tried for the control of triatomines in the field.Downloads
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Lima, M. M., Rey, L., & Mello, R. P. de. (1991). Lethality of triatomines (Hemiptera: Reduviiae), vectors of Chagas’ disease, feeding on blood baits containing synthetic insecticides, under laboratory conditions . Revista Do Instituto De Medicina Tropical De São Paulo, 33(6), 427-433. https://revistas.usp.br/rimtsp/article/view/28869