Epidemiological characteristics of 105 cases of cryptococcosis diagnosed in Argentina, between 1981-1990


  • A.J. Bava Universidad de Buenos Aires; Facultad de Medicina; Departamento de Microbiología; Centro de Micología
  • R. Negroni Universidad de Buenos Aires; Facultad de Medicina; Departamento de Microbiología; Centro de Micología


Criptococosis, Cryptococcus neoformans, SIDA


Some epidemiological characteristics of 105 cases of cryptococcosis diagnosed in Argentina, between 1981-1990, were studied. Until 1987, the annual number of cases was 4-8. It has increased since 1988 by AIDS influence and reached 35 cases in 1990. The annual number of cases non associated with AIDS has remmained in 3-7 cases. The age median of the all patients, AIDS and non AIDS associated cases was 30, 30 and 45 years old, respectively. The 20-39 years old group was the most affected and the age distribution was different in AIDS and non AIDS population. Masculine predominance was more evident in AIDS than in non AIDS associated cases. The predisposing factor was AIDS in 57 patients, another different factor in 20 and unknown in 28 cases. The indirect estimation of the percentage of AIDS cases with cryptococcosis was >;6,19% (57 cases in 920 HIV+) during 1981-1990 this period. Cryptococcus neoformans variety neoformans was isolated from 101 cases and the gattii variety (serotype B) from only 4. The obtained data are similar to those observed in Europe and United States.


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How to Cite

Bava, A., & Negroni, R. (1992). Epidemiological characteristics of 105 cases of cryptococcosis diagnosed in Argentina, between 1981-1990 . Revista Do Instituto De Medicina Tropical De São Paulo, 34(4), 335-340. https://revistas.usp.br/rimtsp/article/view/28942