Serological, electrophoretic and biological properties of Fasciola hepatica antigens
Fasciola hepatica, Immune response, Excretor-secretor antigen, Antigens characterizationAbstract
Fasciola hepatica somatic antigen, its partially purified fractions and excretion-secretion products were investigated as to serological, electrophoretic and biological properties. In a Sephadex G-100 column (SG-100), Fasciola hepatica total antigen (FhTA) gave 5 fractions, and SDS-PAGE analysis showed they were glycoproteins ranging from 14 to 94 kDa molecular weight (MW). When these fractions were analyzed by enzyme linked immunotransfer blot (EITB) and immunodiffusion in gel (ID) with serum from immunized rats with FhTA, the presence of different antigenic components was revealed. In the SDS-PAGE of excretor-secretor antigen (ESA), it was possible to observe peptides from 12 to 22 kDa, which were also present in FhTA. When the FhTA, its fractions and the ESA were analyzed by EITB with the immune rat serum (IRS), it was observed that only some fractions of the SG-100 shared antigens with the FhTA and ESA. Moreover, DTH and ITH responses were studied in FhTA immunized rats challenged with these different antigen components, revealing that the protein/carbohydrate ratio is important for inducing DTH response. The ESA was the most active component in the DTH and ITH response.Downloads
How to Cite
Cervi, L. A., Rubinstein, H., & Masih, D. T. (1992). Serological, electrophoretic and biological properties of Fasciola hepatica antigens . Revista Do Instituto De Medicina Tropical De São Paulo, 34(6), 517-525.