Blastocystosis and other intestinal protozoan infections in human riverside communities from - Valdivia River Basin, Chile
Blastocistosis, Blastocystis hominis, Protozoos intestinales, EpidemiologíaAbstract
Between March and October 1987, the prevalence of infection by Blastocystis hominis and other intestinal protozoan, their relationship with the age and sex of the hosts, and the percentage of in fected persons in family groups were determined in riverside communities of Valdivia River Basin, Chile. One or more intestinal protozoan species were determined in 72.5% of the examined persons. The prevalence was greater for B. hominis (61.8%). The prevalences of B. hominis, Endolimax nana and Entamoeba coli were greater in relation to the age of the host. The sex of the host and prevalence of infections by B. hominis and other species of intestinal protozoans did not show association. Prevalence of B. hominis was greater in persons from houses with no sanitary faeces disposal. Over 60% of the members of family groups showed infection by B. hominis in 53.1% of the groups compared to 2.4%-21.8% of infections by other protozoan species. Faecal samples of 45 pigs revealed 22.2% of infection by Blastocystis.Downloads
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Torres, P., Miranda, J. C., Flores, L., Riquelme, J., Franjola, R., Perez, J., Auad, S., Hermosilla, C., & Riquelme, S. (1992). Blastocystosis and other intestinal protozoan infections in human riverside communities from - Valdivia River Basin, Chile . Revista Do Instituto De Medicina Tropical De São Paulo, 34(6), 557-564.