Eumycotic mycetoma of black grains caused by Madurella grisea: report of two cases
Eumicetoma, Madurella griseaAbstract
Two cases of black grains eumycotic mycetoma, occurring on a foot, are reported. Both proceeded from the State of Bahia (Brazil), and in both the etiologic agent was Madurella grisea Mackinnon et al., 1949. The grains structure as well as the micromorphologic characteristics of the fungus in saprophytic life were studied. It is the Author's belief that these observations correspond to the 7th and 8th cases reported in the Brazilian medical literature. The Authors do consider the following Madurella species as nomen dubium or nomina confusa: M. ramiroi, M. oswaldoi, M. bovoi, M. tozeuri, M. mansonii, M. brumpti, M. reynieri, M. americana, M. lackawanna e M. ikedae and the same for Rubromadurella mycetomi. The only valid species must be Madurella mycetomatis McGinnis, 1980 (=Madurella mycetomi Brumpt, 1905) and Madurella grisea Mackinnon et al., 1949. Treatment with itraconazole in both reported cases, for a 3 month duration, did not produce any regression of the lesions, the clinical improvement being meager.Downloads
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Machado, L. A. de P., Rivitti, M. C. da M., Cucé, L. C., Salebian, A., Lacaz, C. da S., Heins-Vaccari, E. M., Belda Jr., W., & Melo, N. T. de. (1992). Eumycotic mycetoma of black grains caused by Madurella grisea: report of two cases . Revista Do Instituto De Medicina Tropical De São Paulo, 34(6), 569-580.