Comparative study on the localization of adult Schistosoma mansoni worms in albino mice anesthetized with pentobarbital sodium, ether or chlorophorm


  • José Roberto Machado e Silva UERJ; Laboratory Services; Department of Pathology
  • Maria Adriana Dias de Lima Oswaldo Cruz Foundation; FIOCRUZ; Departament of Tropical Medicine
  • Rosângela Rodrigues e Silva Oswaldo Cruz Foundation; FIOCRUZ; Departament of Tropical Medicine
  • Arnaldo Maldonado Jr. Oswaldo Cruz Foundation; FIOCRUZ; Departament of Tropical Medicine
  • Octávio Augusto França Presgrave Oswaldo Cruz Foundation; National Institute of Health Quality and Control
  • Luis Rey Oswaldo Cruz Foundation; FIOCRUZ; Departament of Tropical Medicine


Schistosoma mansoni, Schistosomiasis mansoni, localization, Anesthetics, Pentobarbital sodium, Ether, Chlorophorm


The effect of anesthetic drugs on the localization of adult worms in albino mice was compared. The animals with 56 days of infection were anesthetized with pentobarbital sodium, ether or chlorophorm. Perfusion was carried out immediately after, recovering the worms and classifying them in relation to their localization on the liver or portal vein and the mesenteric veins. Our results showed that pentobarbital sodium produced a greater displacement of the worms to the liver (89%) than ether (76%) and chlorophorm (34%) did, when compared to the control group (22%). The difference between pentobarbital sodium and ether was significant (p < 0.05). We suggest that anesthetic drugs may not be used in studies on the distribution of adult worms in several hosts.







Original Article

How to Cite

Machado e Silva, J. R., Lima, M. A. D. de, Rodrigues e Silva, R., Maldonado Jr., A., Presgrave, O. A. F., & Rey, L. (1993). Comparative study on the localization of adult Schistosoma mansoni worms in albino mice anesthetized with pentobarbital sodium, ether or chlorophorm . Revista Do Instituto De Medicina Tropical De São Paulo, 35(4), 323-326.