Human lagochilascariasis treated sucessfully with ivermectin: a case report
Lagochilascaris minor, Ivermectin, Human infection, TreatmentAbstract
A 15 year old male patient was diagnosed as being infected with the nematode Lagochilascaris minor, presenting as abscesses over the left mastoid region, and invading the temporal bone, mastoid sinuses and possibly the CNS. Surgical drainage and administration of cambendazole and levamisole led to improvement, followed by an early relapse and poor tolerance to the antihelminthic drugs. Repeated doses of ivermectin (an animal preparation) were used for the first time to treat this condition and resulted in complete remission of signs of infection, maintained for 15 months after the end of drug therapy, indicating cure of the disease.Downloads
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Case Report
How to Cite
Bento, R. F., Mazza, C. do C., Motti, E. F., Chan, Y. T., Guimarães, J. R. R., & Miniti, A. (1993). Human lagochilascariasis treated sucessfully with ivermectin: a case report . Revista Do Instituto De Medicina Tropical De São Paulo, 35(4), 373-375.