Staphylococcal coagglutination for mycoplasma identification


  • Jorge Timenetsky Universidade de São Paulo; Instituto de Ciências Biomédícas; Departamento de Microbiologia
  • Melissa Curcio FAPESP


Coaglutinação estafilocócica, Identificação de micoplasma


Staphylococcal Coagglutination was used as method for a rapid identification of mycoplasmas that could be performed by non specialized laboratories. Suspensions of Staphylococcus aureus (Cowan I) sensitized with rabbit antibodies against NCTC mycoplasma strains have identified these microorganisms and the strains isolated from humans, cell cultures rats and mice in concentrated suspensions from cultures of 4.0 ml. Fourty eight strains of M.pulmonis, 6 of M. arthritidis, 8 of M.arginini, 3 of M.orale, 15 of A.laidlawii, 8 of M.hominis and 3 of M.pneumomae were identified by staphylococcal coagglutination and confirmed by Growth Inhibition Test. Optimal parameters of coagglutination were established and the stability of the conjugates were preserved for 90 days when added with acetyl cistein. The reaction was visualized without optical resources. The sera were previously absorved with heterologous NCTC strains and with the pellet of the steril broth.


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How to Cite

Timenetsky, J., & Curcio, M. (1993). Staphylococcal coagglutination for mycoplasma identification . Revista Do Instituto De Medicina Tropical De São Paulo, 35(6), 551-555.