Human pulmonary dirofilariasis: a review


  • Rosângela Rodrigues-Silva FIOCRUZ; IOC; Departamento de Helmintologia
  • Hércules Moura FIOCRUZ; Hospital Evandro Chagas; Departamento de Patologia e Laboratórios
  • Cerusa Dreyer FIOCRUZ; Centro de Pesquisas Aggeu Magalhães; Departamento de Parasitologia
  • Luiz Rey FIOCRUZ; IOC; Departamento de Medicina Tropical


Human pulmonary dirofilariasis, Epidemiology, Dirofilaria immitis, Dirofilaria repens, Brazil


The authors presented a detailed summary of the geographical distribution, clinical and pathological aspects of human pulmonary dirofilariasis. Although benign, this zoonosis, of which Dirofilaria immitis is the major etiological agent, represents a medical problem since it produces symptoms which may be confused with neoplasia and thus may subject patients to unnecessary thoracic surgery. Of 229 cases cited in the literature, only 17 were reported in Brazil, despite the existence of highly favorable conditions for the transmission of this infection in man. Thus it may well be that this parasitic infection remains underdiagnosed. Finally, the importance of a differential diagnosis between dirofilariasis and pulmonary neoplasia is emphasized in cases where there is a solitary subpleural nodule ("coin lesion") present. In addition, the development and improvement of modern immunological diagnostic techniques are essential to distinguish this benign disease from other pathological conditions and thus avoid unneccessary surgery. These techniques may reveal the true prevalence of this parasitic infection in our environment.


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How to Cite

Rodrigues-Silva, R., Moura, H., Dreyer, C., & Rey, L. (1995). Human pulmonary dirofilariasis: a review . Revista Do Instituto De Medicina Tropical De São Paulo, 37(6), 523-530.