Detection of non-enterotoxigenic and enterotoxigenic Bacteroides fragilis in stool samples from children in São Paulo, Brazil


  • Flávio Krzyzanowsky University of São Paulo; Institute of Biomedical Science; Department of Microbiology
  • Mario J. Avila-Campos University of São Paulo; Institute of Biomedical Science; Department of Microbiology


Bacteroides fragilis group, ETBF, Acute diarrhea, Children


Non-enterotoxigenic bacteria of the Bacteroides fragilis group and enterotoxigenic B. fragilis were identified from children with and without aqueous acute diarrhea. In this study, 170 stool samples from 96 children with and 74 without diarrhea were analyzed. Enterotoxin production and the toxin gene detection were detected by cytotoxicity assay on HT-29/C1 cells and by PCR, respectively. B. fragilis species was prevalent in both groups and enterotoxigenic B. fragilis strains were isolated from two children with diarrhea. More studies are important to evaluate the role of each bacteria of the B. fragilis group, including enterotoxigenic strains play in the diarrheal processes in children.


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Brief Communication

How to Cite

Krzyzanowsky, F., & Avila-Campos, M. J. (2003). Detection of non-enterotoxigenic and enterotoxigenic Bacteroides fragilis in stool samples from children in São Paulo, Brazil . Revista Do Instituto De Medicina Tropical De São Paulo, 45(4), 225-227.