Cysticercus antibodies and antigens in serum from blood donors from Pondicherry, India


  • Subhash Chandra Parija Jamal Mohamad College; Department of Microbiology
  • N. Balamurungan Jamal Mohamad College; Department of Microbiology
  • Priyadarshi Soumyaranjan Sahu Jamal Mohamad College; Department of Microbiology
  • S.P. Subbaiah Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education & Research; Department of Pathology


Cysticercosis, Blood donors, ELISA, Co-Agglutination test, Seroprevalence


The aim of the present study was to screen the serum of blood donors, which are apparently healthy and residing in Pondicherry or its neighboring districts of Tamil Nadu State, for specific detection of Cysticercus antigens and antibodies. A total of 216 blood samples were collected from blood donors at the Central Blood Bank, JIPMER Hospital, Pondicherry, India during January and February 2004. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was used to demonstrate anti-Cysticercus antibodies and the Co-agglutination (CoA) was used to detect antigen in sera. 14 (6.48 %) males were positive for either anti-Cysticercus antibodies or antigens. Of these eight sera were positive for anti-Cysticercus antibodies and six were positive for antigens. Results of the present study show that serum Cysticercus antigen detection may be a useful adjunct to antibody testing for seroprevalence studies of cysticercosis in the community. The present study is the first kind of study, carried out to determine both cysticercal antibodies as well as antigens in the serum samples collected from the healthy blood donors.







Brief Communication

How to Cite

Parija, S. C., Balamurungan, N., Sahu, P. S., & Subbaiah, S. (2005). Cysticercus antibodies and antigens in serum from blood donors from Pondicherry, India . Revista Do Instituto De Medicina Tropical De São Paulo, 47(4), 227-230.