Updated list of bat species positive for rabies in Brazil


  • Miriam Martos Sodré Centro de Controle de Zoonoses São Paulo
  • Adriana Ruckert da Gama Centro de Controle de Zoonoses São Paulo
  • Marilene Fernandes de Almeida Centro de Controle de Zoonoses São Paulo


Chiroptera, Rabies, South America


This paper presents an updated list of bat species positive for rabies in Brazil. It was developed based on database research via the internet, of international and national literature and annals of the most important technical and scientific meetings related to rabies and chiroptera in Brazil from 1996 to 2009. The new list of rabies positive bats consists of 41 species, belonging to 25 genera and three families: Phyllostomidae 43.9%, Vespertilionidae 29.3% and Molossidae 26.8%. In addition, questions were raised regarding the lack of data, including sex, age, circumstances and location of bat capture and incomplete and outdated species identification. Results of genetic and antigenic studies performed on Brazilian rabies positive bats were shown.








How to Cite

Sodré, M. M., Gama, A. R. da, & Almeida, M. F. de. (2010). Updated list of bat species positive for rabies in Brazil . Revista Do Instituto De Medicina Tropical De São Paulo, 52(2), 75-81. https://revistas.usp.br/rimtsp/article/view/31306